In labouring to make speech, dried flaking tissue crumbled from his lips, and streams of blood channelled along the fine cracks accross what was once living flesh, marking the ravages of subdued silence around the corners of his mouth. As he spoke, his fingers motioned in concert on the instrument pad that lay inanimate before him.
And his message was this -
Legion. Prepare to prostate your weak and degenerating frames before me. For you will serve me as knights in my war for the Crown in this forsaken and trecherous realm of Cyberspace! And you shall all find life once more. For your KING IS BACK!
Now. Where do I begin...
Hey dude
Who are these legions you are talking about? Think you need to have a go at god of war 2
Your off to a fairly good start..who knows, soon u might have as many hits as kenny sia =)
Could you start with the story of what instigated ur ressurection into the blogosphere, O King of the Underworld?
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